Crystalwort (Riccia Fluitans)

Crystalwort (Riccia Fluitans)


Out of stock


Sale is for 1 golf ball sized portion

Physical Description:

  • Crystalwort, also known as Riccia fluitans, has delicate, bright green, thread-like structures that form dense, floating mats.
  • It typically grows to a height of 1-3 centimeters, making it an excellent floating plant or foreground plant when attached to substrates.
  • The plant has a unique, moss-like appearance and can create a lush, green carpet when submerged.

Distribution and Habitat:

  • Found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.
  • Commonly grows in slow-moving or stagnant waters such as rivers, ponds, and marshes.
  • Thrives in nutrient-rich environments alongside other aquatic plants.

Aquarium Suitability:

  • Ideal for both beginners and experienced aquarists due to its low maintenance requirements.
  • Suitable for various setups, including freshwater aquariums and paludariums.
  • Complements a wide range of fish species and provides excellent cover for small fish and fry.

Water Conditions:

  • pH: Tolerates a range of 6.0 to 7.5 (prefers slightly acidic to neutral water).
  • Temperature: Thrives between 68°F and 82°F (20°C to 28°C).
  • Lighting: Requires moderate to high levels of lighting to maintain its vibrant green coloration.
  • Water hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH).

Planting and Propagation:

  • Crystalwort can be left floating on the water surface or attached to rocks and driftwood using fishing line or mesh.
  • Propagate by dividing the mats and placing them in different areas of the aquarium.
  • Can also be grown emersed, where it may produce small, inconspicuous flowers.


  • Provides hiding places for small fish and fry.
  • Enhances water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and reducing algae growth.
  • Creates a lush and natural-looking environment in the aquarium.

Remember to monitor water parameters regularly and enjoy the vibrant beauty of Crystalwort in your aquarium!




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